Tuesday, August 08, 2006

My links

As you can see I have a few links that go to either a conservative/libertarian website. I don't think that the democrats are the source of all our problems nor do I think that the republicans are the answer to the problems. The biggest problem we have in our government is that there are too many politicians and not enough senators and represenatives (the two houses of Congress). The people that we have elected to Congress seem to forget who put them there and why. Now all they are concerned about is maintaining their power instead of doing what is best for the citizens of this country.

I would not be surprised to see some sort of revolt. Not one of violence, I would not condone nor encourage violence against the governmet, but one where the sheeple finally standup and say "Enough" of the BS and start voting for candidates that actually care.

I believe that the U.S. Constitution is the final authority, not the courts and activist judges. I favor smaller, less intrusive government. Our government was not set up to be all powerful the way it has become. People should not look to the gov't to take of their every need, because when they do the gov't gains more power and we lose power.

President Lincoln said in his Gettysburg address that "...the government of the people, for the people, by the people, shall not perish..." but ever since the War of Northen Agression/for Southern Independence, that is exactly what has happened.


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