Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Voting record of Barak Hussein Obama


Take a look at this link to see how Barak Hussein Obama has voted. He is as liberal as liberal gets.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Money is not the answer.

I found this information while reading 'War on the Middle Class' by Lou Dobbs. This is an informative book and it has made me re-evaluate my opinion of the President. Yes, I voted for Bush twice, not so much because I thought he was the best candidate but because I was voting against a worse candidate.
Mnay people have said that corporate America actually runs the show. This book has shown that they are right. We are victims of an unfair system of taxation that penalizes a person for hard work and corporate greed that sends jobs overseas. But this blog entry is just to touch on education a little and hopefully get people thinking and motivated to try and change the system one small piece at a time.
Many people think that just by increasing money given to schools will help to improve the quality of the education. I disagree with this line of thinking to this extent: the money that is being spent on education needs to be spent wisely.
Here are some examples. NYC has an education budget of approximately $16 billion dollars, approximately $11, 172 per child. But only about 40% ends up in the classroom. Where does the rest go? To the bureaucracy that runs the system.
Washington DC spends almost $12,000 per child but it schools were taken over by a congressional financial oversight committee.
California is 25th in spending and 49th in student achievement. 50% of black and hispanic students in Southern California were dropping out of school and the education dept was reporting 80% graduation. Sounds like something wrong there.
States are also cutting back funding for public schools of higher education, yet many states are offering in-state tuition to ILLEGAL ALIENS. Does that sound right to you? Maybe if we didn't support illegal aliens the way we are there might be enough money to help more middle and lower class students attend college.
I say get rid of the teachers unions and start paying teachers what they are worth. Also, ensure that the teachers are qualified to teach.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

How do we fix public education?

There are any number of ways to fix the problems with the public school systems. In general, I think that schools are doing an okay job. One of the problems I see is that our children are lagging behind children of other nations in areas such as math and science.

I believe that we need to increase the standards within the schools systems. But what of the students that are unmotivated or cannot meet the higher standards? Don't be afraid to fail them. When I went to high school in NY state they had different levels of classes. There was the general level of classes and then there were Regents classes. The general level was the minimum standard that everyone had to meet.

The regents level classes went into more depth and were taught at a quicker pace. Some schools districts outside of NY may call these AP classes.

For the students that may not be able to go to college for one reason or another there was BOCES school. BOCES stood for Board of Cooperative Extension Services. I hope I have that right. It was a trade school were students could learn a job skill such as carpentry, printing/photography and others. The students would spend part of their day at their home school taking core classes and the other half of day at the BOCES center.

I also believe that the teachers union needs to be eliminated. What good is it doing besides protecting the teachers that suck? If a teacher is sub-standard then the school needs to have more freedom to eliminate them from teaching.

Community involvement will help also. Let the people that work in certain fields work with school boards and the schools to let them know what is needed for certain fields.