Thursday, August 06, 2009

The eerie similarities

I think if any note that I have posted is going to cause my friends count to drop, this is the one. I am not saying that the democrats are nazi's. I do not support the nazi's and anything they stood for. My family has a personal stake in this issue, based upon my wife's ancestory being 1/4 Polish and 1/4 German. Her father was born in a nazi concentration camp.But look at the position of the liberals and compare it to the position of the nazi party. Now, for what it is worth, this comparison was presented to me by my son 2 days before I ever so it on the Internet or the radio.All I am asking is for people to take a look at the accompanying pictures. 2 are symbols for healthcare and the other 2 are nazi symbols.Also remember that Obama wants mandatory voluntary service, has taken over GM, favors the single-payer system for health care, is for abortiion and infanticide.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This information was gathered partially at regarding Nancy Pelosi's comment when she accused protester of carrying swastika's"Interviewer: Do you think there’s legitimate grassroot opposition going on here? Pelosi: "I think they’re Astroturf… You be the judge. "They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare."And it has been suggested that receiving Botox injections can cause blurry vision.Of course given that she was talking about Democrat town halls, her confusion is even more understandable given the overlap between Nazi programs and Democrats’ pet issues anyway, as we all know.The Nazis being: against big banks and capitalism in general, against big department stores, against pollution, for two years mandatory voluntary service to the country, for make-work projects (such as the autobahn), against vivisection and cruelty and to animals, against smoking and all tobacco products, for abortion and euthanasia of the infirm and undesirable – and, of course, for cradle-to-grave nationalized healthcare.In fact, if you look really hard, you can sometimes even find a hint of anti-Semitism in the Democrat Party.


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