Thursday, June 12, 2008

Liberal Mis-direction

There is a challenge quiz going around that says there is no difference between Bush and McCain. I see it as another bullshit attempt by the Liberals to use smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that Barack Hussein Obama is a liberal leftist that is the least qualified of the two candidates.
One of the claims in the video is that McCain voted against the GI Bill and Obama voted for it. Well I am just wondering why each candidate voted the way they did. Could it be perhaps that the bill HR-2642 S Amdt4803, contained more than just improving the GI Bill?
S Amdt 4803 to HR 2642: In the nature of substitute.
- Designates differing amounts of payments to be made to fund the higher education of individuals who have served on active duty in the Armed Forces beginning on or after September 11, 2001, based on factors such as length of active duty service and disabilities accrued, and specifies that these payments shall not exceed the cost of in-state tuition at the most expensive public university in the state in which the individual is enrolled (Sec. 4003).- Establishes a program through which assistance voluntarily provided by an educational institution for a member of the Armed Forces that covers a portion of the amount by which tuition exceeds the cost of in-state tuition would be matched by the Secretary of Defense (Sec. 4003).- Allows participating states to establish emergency unemployment compensation accounts for eligible individuals that shall contain an amount equaling up to 13 times the individual's average weekly benefit amount for the benefit year (Sec. 5002).- Extends and expands moratoria relating to Medicaid through April 1, 2009, including cutting Medicaid reimbursements to health care providers, removing Medicaid reimbursements for graduate medical education programs, excluding certain social services related to families and children from being included in the Medicaid program, and restricting optional case management services, outpatient hospital services, or allowable provider taxes (Sec. 6001).-Appropriates $14.23 billion for security, military construction, and international matters.-Appropriates $10.39 billion for expenses related to Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita, and other natural disasters, including a total of $450 million for wildland fire management.-Appropriates $4.05 billion for domestic matters, including a total of $590 million for state and local law enforcement, a total of $275 million for the Food and Drug Administration, and $210 million for periodic censuses and programs.
Please explain to me what the highlighted areas have to do with improving the GI Bill? Seems to me these are some of the earmarks that the Democrats insisted they were going to put a stop to.
They also say that top advisers for Bush and McCain are linked to war profiteers. Well what about some of the people that Barack Hussein Obama has been linked to? A racist pastor, members of a homegrown terrorist organization (Bill Ayers), can't leave out Tony Rezko.
And who could forget that he voted against the 'guilt by association' bill while in the Illinois Senate because "he felt that the black youth were so intertwined with gang culture in their everyday life."
They also want to say that Bush and McCain are bad being against the healthcare for children. The dreaded S CHIP bill. But I wonder if will tell you that this bill included a massive tax increase on cigars and other tobacco products?
Will they tell you that they Dems wanted to renew it so that it covers children up to the age of 25 and families of 4 up to the income level of $83,000 /yr? Can you explain to me why 'children' up to the age of 25 needed this bill? Are you going to tell me that $83, 000 income for a family of four is low-income?

What is wrong with privitizing social security? Better yet, why can't we have the option of opting out of SS altogether? Congress doesn't take part in the SS program, why should we? Why can't the military have a retirement program like they do?
This link goes to a blog I posted on June 13, 2007 and demonstrates how Americans can and have succeeded better by privitizing Social Security.
Who is going to remind us of Barack Hussein Obama's global poverty tax idea and how much that would cost?