Friday, July 24, 2009

Our political system

Someone sad that we have a broken political system. I have to respectfully disagree with them. It is not the system that is broken but the people within the system.

I feel that we have the best form of government. It is one that allows, or did at one time, the citizens the ability to dissolve the government. This something that has historical precendence and is written into our founding documents.

Take time to read through the Declaration of Independence and you will understand what I am talking about.

I pose this question to anyone that cares to take the time to answer. When did our government and our country begin to go downhill?

I submit that the answer is during and after the 'Civil War' also known as the War for Southern Independence. First off, I believe that the wrong side won the war. Why? Well it is not for any racial reasons. I firmly believe that slavery, while it was legal, was a horrible institution and is a wound on our nation that is festering to this day.

No, rather I believe that this point in time began our downfall because of all the political abuses committed by the US government.

Before the war, it was the united States are; afterwards it was the United States is. Yes I know that is from a movie but it is true, in my mind. Before the war we were states united under a common government but each retaining their sovereignty. Afterwards that seemed to change as the US gov't slowly began expanding their power and taking freedoms from us.

One example is the way that Senators are elected. It used to be that they were appointed by the governments of the states, to help maintain checks and balanaces within Congress vs the House. Now they are elected by the citizens, thereby taking power away from the states.

One very good read is a book entitled "The South Was Right" written by Ronald Kennedy. They strongly maintain that slavery was wrong, but they also believe that the South took a majority of the blame that rightfully should have been assigned to the North.

New idea for a book.

Calvin Richards never blamed anyone for the fact that he had spent the last few years on Death Row. While he strongly maintained his innocence, he also believed that he made some wrong decisions in his life that led to being convicted of murder. “Wrong place at the wrong time,” is what he told his court-appointed lawyer before his trial. Truth be told, there were many people, both inside and outside the legal world that examined the evidence and felt as Calvin did. All were equally shocked, as he was when the jury returned a guilty verdict. Now, with his scheduled execution just hours away, Calvin still maintained his innocence and stayed strong to the faith that helped him survive the years spent in prison.
Only lawyers, and others fighting to prove his innocence, had visited Calvin during his incarceration. A deeply religious man, he had spent the last few hours reading the Bible and contemplating the end of his life. He knew he had done wrong from time to time, but he knew was no murderer. As his thoughts carried him back through the years, he could recall the names and faces of everyone that had shown him even an ounce of kindness.
When he thought of what his final words should be, he knew there would not be enough time to say everything he wanted. His request to write out a statement that would be given to the witnesses and the press was granted and he held nothing back as he wrote the words that flowed from his heart.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker,
I know shortly that I will be standing before the judgment throne in the presence of God Almighty. I will have to offer an account to the way that I have lived my life and the wrong that I have done. As sure as I know that, I also know that I did not kill your daughter, she was my friend. Please, do not ever let her child forget what a wonderful mother he had.
I do not believe that I had a fair trial and I also believe that one day the evidence will surface that proves my innocence. I just ask that when that day comes, you visit my grave and let me know.
Words alone can never ease the pain that you have felt ever since your daughter, Hanna, was taken from you. As I said, I am innocent of the crime, but if there is any way that I can offer you peace and comfort, I hope that my death does just that. May God bless and comfort you.

With the witnesses seated, Calvin was led into the execution chamber and strapped to the gurney to await his lethal injection. The pastor that had been with him in his final hours was stopped at the door. “God bless you, Calvin.” The condemned man smiled and nodded, “I will be with God and His Son soon. I’ll be okay, may He bless Hanna’s family.”
Calvin looked around the room, as he was strapped to a gurney. Other than the machine that would end his life and a plate glass window, it looked and felt like a hospital room, with the white institutional tile floors and a slight antiseptic smell. The guards that had escorted him and the other officials all spoke in hushed tones, as if they were trying to keep the execution a secret. When the guards were finished, with the needles that would carry the poison to kill him inserted into his veins, the gurney was turned to the witnesses and the curtain opened. Calvin could see Hanna’s parents sitting in the front row. He smiled and nodded to them. As protocol dictated, the warden asked him if he had any last words. Calvin looked from Hanna’s father to her mother, staring them directly in the eye. In a strong but resigned voice, he politely answered, “No, sir, I don’t. Other than the statement that was given to everyone, I’m okay. I’ll be with the Lord soon. May God bless you all.”
He then nodded to the warden who ushered everyone out of the execution chamber and closed the door. The warden stood near the phone that was a direct line from the governor. He had presided over several executions, with none being stayed, and he didn’t believe this one would be either. As the second hand on the clock in the chamber slowly made its way towards the execution hour, Scott laid his head down and began to hum his favorite gospel song ‘How Great Thou Art’ as he awaited the fluids that would end his life.