Thursday, August 06, 2009

Sergeant Crowley, the sole class act in this trio, helps the handicapped Professor Gates down the stairs, while Barack Obama , heedless of the infirmities of his friend and fellow victim of self-defined racial profiling, strides ahead on his own
This picture becomes a metaphor for ObamaCare. The elderly are left in the back, with only the kindness of the Crowleys of the world, the stand up guys, to depend on. The government has other priorities.
This image will have genuine resonance. It captures something that older Americans in particular can relate to. The President presses ahead with a program that will tell them to take painkillers instead of getting that artificial hip.
At every stage of the entire Gates affair, Obama has provided a revealing tell. The "acted stupidly" blunder revealed that he automatically blames the police and thinks they really are stupid to begin with. It didn't trigger a single alarm bell in his mind as he figured out what to say.
Without his scripts, Obama is no longer the master performer.

The eerie similarities

I think if any note that I have posted is going to cause my friends count to drop, this is the one. I am not saying that the democrats are nazi's. I do not support the nazi's and anything they stood for. My family has a personal stake in this issue, based upon my wife's ancestory being 1/4 Polish and 1/4 German. Her father was born in a nazi concentration camp.But look at the position of the liberals and compare it to the position of the nazi party. Now, for what it is worth, this comparison was presented to me by my son 2 days before I ever so it on the Internet or the radio.All I am asking is for people to take a look at the accompanying pictures. 2 are symbols for healthcare and the other 2 are nazi symbols.Also remember that Obama wants mandatory voluntary service, has taken over GM, favors the single-payer system for health care, is for abortiion and infanticide.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This information was gathered partially at regarding Nancy Pelosi's comment when she accused protester of carrying swastika's"Interviewer: Do you think there’s legitimate grassroot opposition going on here? Pelosi: "I think they’re Astroturf… You be the judge. "They’re carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare."And it has been suggested that receiving Botox injections can cause blurry vision.Of course given that she was talking about Democrat town halls, her confusion is even more understandable given the overlap between Nazi programs and Democrats’ pet issues anyway, as we all know.The Nazis being: against big banks and capitalism in general, against big department stores, against pollution, for two years mandatory voluntary service to the country, for make-work projects (such as the autobahn), against vivisection and cruelty and to animals, against smoking and all tobacco products, for abortion and euthanasia of the infirm and undesirable – and, of course, for cradle-to-grave nationalized healthcare.In fact, if you look really hard, you can sometimes even find a hint of anti-Semitism in the Democrat Party.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Our political system

Someone sad that we have a broken political system. I have to respectfully disagree with them. It is not the system that is broken but the people within the system.

I feel that we have the best form of government. It is one that allows, or did at one time, the citizens the ability to dissolve the government. This something that has historical precendence and is written into our founding documents.

Take time to read through the Declaration of Independence and you will understand what I am talking about.

I pose this question to anyone that cares to take the time to answer. When did our government and our country begin to go downhill?

I submit that the answer is during and after the 'Civil War' also known as the War for Southern Independence. First off, I believe that the wrong side won the war. Why? Well it is not for any racial reasons. I firmly believe that slavery, while it was legal, was a horrible institution and is a wound on our nation that is festering to this day.

No, rather I believe that this point in time began our downfall because of all the political abuses committed by the US government.

Before the war, it was the united States are; afterwards it was the United States is. Yes I know that is from a movie but it is true, in my mind. Before the war we were states united under a common government but each retaining their sovereignty. Afterwards that seemed to change as the US gov't slowly began expanding their power and taking freedoms from us.

One example is the way that Senators are elected. It used to be that they were appointed by the governments of the states, to help maintain checks and balanaces within Congress vs the House. Now they are elected by the citizens, thereby taking power away from the states.

One very good read is a book entitled "The South Was Right" written by Ronald Kennedy. They strongly maintain that slavery was wrong, but they also believe that the South took a majority of the blame that rightfully should have been assigned to the North.

New idea for a book.

Calvin Richards never blamed anyone for the fact that he had spent the last few years on Death Row. While he strongly maintained his innocence, he also believed that he made some wrong decisions in his life that led to being convicted of murder. “Wrong place at the wrong time,” is what he told his court-appointed lawyer before his trial. Truth be told, there were many people, both inside and outside the legal world that examined the evidence and felt as Calvin did. All were equally shocked, as he was when the jury returned a guilty verdict. Now, with his scheduled execution just hours away, Calvin still maintained his innocence and stayed strong to the faith that helped him survive the years spent in prison.
Only lawyers, and others fighting to prove his innocence, had visited Calvin during his incarceration. A deeply religious man, he had spent the last few hours reading the Bible and contemplating the end of his life. He knew he had done wrong from time to time, but he knew was no murderer. As his thoughts carried him back through the years, he could recall the names and faces of everyone that had shown him even an ounce of kindness.
When he thought of what his final words should be, he knew there would not be enough time to say everything he wanted. His request to write out a statement that would be given to the witnesses and the press was granted and he held nothing back as he wrote the words that flowed from his heart.
Mr. and Mrs. Parker,
I know shortly that I will be standing before the judgment throne in the presence of God Almighty. I will have to offer an account to the way that I have lived my life and the wrong that I have done. As sure as I know that, I also know that I did not kill your daughter, she was my friend. Please, do not ever let her child forget what a wonderful mother he had.
I do not believe that I had a fair trial and I also believe that one day the evidence will surface that proves my innocence. I just ask that when that day comes, you visit my grave and let me know.
Words alone can never ease the pain that you have felt ever since your daughter, Hanna, was taken from you. As I said, I am innocent of the crime, but if there is any way that I can offer you peace and comfort, I hope that my death does just that. May God bless and comfort you.

With the witnesses seated, Calvin was led into the execution chamber and strapped to the gurney to await his lethal injection. The pastor that had been with him in his final hours was stopped at the door. “God bless you, Calvin.” The condemned man smiled and nodded, “I will be with God and His Son soon. I’ll be okay, may He bless Hanna’s family.”
Calvin looked around the room, as he was strapped to a gurney. Other than the machine that would end his life and a plate glass window, it looked and felt like a hospital room, with the white institutional tile floors and a slight antiseptic smell. The guards that had escorted him and the other officials all spoke in hushed tones, as if they were trying to keep the execution a secret. When the guards were finished, with the needles that would carry the poison to kill him inserted into his veins, the gurney was turned to the witnesses and the curtain opened. Calvin could see Hanna’s parents sitting in the front row. He smiled and nodded to them. As protocol dictated, the warden asked him if he had any last words. Calvin looked from Hanna’s father to her mother, staring them directly in the eye. In a strong but resigned voice, he politely answered, “No, sir, I don’t. Other than the statement that was given to everyone, I’m okay. I’ll be with the Lord soon. May God bless you all.”
He then nodded to the warden who ushered everyone out of the execution chamber and closed the door. The warden stood near the phone that was a direct line from the governor. He had presided over several executions, with none being stayed, and he didn’t believe this one would be either. As the second hand on the clock in the chamber slowly made its way towards the execution hour, Scott laid his head down and began to hum his favorite gospel song ‘How Great Thou Art’ as he awaited the fluids that would end his life.

Thursday, January 15, 2009



The SCHIP bill has the ability to bankrupt an entire industry and the trickle down effects will be disastrous. It is designed to place obscene tax increases on tobacco products.

Please go to the website for more detailed information. Then contact your US Senators and the President-elect (202) 540-3000-listen to the message and press option 2 for a live person. Do not let them refer you to a website but give them the facts from the website.

Current Tax Rate
SCIP Tax rate
$.39 a pack
$1.00 per pack
Large Cigars 20.179% of manufactures price; 52.4% of manufacturer
cap of 4.875 cents/cigar price cap of $.40/cigar

Little Cigars $.04 per pack Phase in of $1.00/pack
$.25/pack on 1/1/2009
$.50/pack on 1/1/2011
$.75/pack on 1/1/2013
$1.00/pack on 1/1/2015

Pipe Tobacco $1.0969 per pound $2.8126 per pound
Chewing tobacco 19.5 cents per pound $.50 per pound
Snuff 58.5 cents per pound $1.50 per pound
RYO; Cigar wrappers $1.0969 per pound $24.62 per pound
Cigarette papers 1.22 cents per 50 papers 3.13 cents per paper
Cigarette tubes 2.44 cents per 50 tubes 6.26 cents per 50 tubes

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Follow the money to Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)

In the last week or so, there has been a small uproar over the fact that the Democrats, lead by Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), went on vacation instead of working with the Republicans to address the oil situation. Many people have asked why. Now we know. You are probably familiar with the phrase 'Follow the money trail". Well in this case it leads straight back to Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). You have probably seen the tv commercials with T. Boone Pickens, an oil man pitching ideas for wind power and other alternative sources of energy. Well guess who is heavily invested in his company? If you guessed Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), you would be right. It seems that she spent a lot of money (A lot to me, anyway) in his company when it went public. So it would seem that Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has a vested interest in continuing the policy of not drilling for our own oil.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Liberal Mis-direction

There is a challenge quiz going around that says there is no difference between Bush and McCain. I see it as another bullshit attempt by the Liberals to use smoke and mirrors to hide the fact that Barack Hussein Obama is a liberal leftist that is the least qualified of the two candidates.
One of the claims in the video is that McCain voted against the GI Bill and Obama voted for it. Well I am just wondering why each candidate voted the way they did. Could it be perhaps that the bill HR-2642 S Amdt4803, contained more than just improving the GI Bill?
S Amdt 4803 to HR 2642: In the nature of substitute.
- Designates differing amounts of payments to be made to fund the higher education of individuals who have served on active duty in the Armed Forces beginning on or after September 11, 2001, based on factors such as length of active duty service and disabilities accrued, and specifies that these payments shall not exceed the cost of in-state tuition at the most expensive public university in the state in which the individual is enrolled (Sec. 4003).- Establishes a program through which assistance voluntarily provided by an educational institution for a member of the Armed Forces that covers a portion of the amount by which tuition exceeds the cost of in-state tuition would be matched by the Secretary of Defense (Sec. 4003).- Allows participating states to establish emergency unemployment compensation accounts for eligible individuals that shall contain an amount equaling up to 13 times the individual's average weekly benefit amount for the benefit year (Sec. 5002).- Extends and expands moratoria relating to Medicaid through April 1, 2009, including cutting Medicaid reimbursements to health care providers, removing Medicaid reimbursements for graduate medical education programs, excluding certain social services related to families and children from being included in the Medicaid program, and restricting optional case management services, outpatient hospital services, or allowable provider taxes (Sec. 6001).-Appropriates $14.23 billion for security, military construction, and international matters.-Appropriates $10.39 billion for expenses related to Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Rita, and other natural disasters, including a total of $450 million for wildland fire management.-Appropriates $4.05 billion for domestic matters, including a total of $590 million for state and local law enforcement, a total of $275 million for the Food and Drug Administration, and $210 million for periodic censuses and programs.
Please explain to me what the highlighted areas have to do with improving the GI Bill? Seems to me these are some of the earmarks that the Democrats insisted they were going to put a stop to.
They also say that top advisers for Bush and McCain are linked to war profiteers. Well what about some of the people that Barack Hussein Obama has been linked to? A racist pastor, members of a homegrown terrorist organization (Bill Ayers), can't leave out Tony Rezko.
And who could forget that he voted against the 'guilt by association' bill while in the Illinois Senate because "he felt that the black youth were so intertwined with gang culture in their everyday life."
They also want to say that Bush and McCain are bad being against the healthcare for children. The dreaded S CHIP bill. But I wonder if will tell you that this bill included a massive tax increase on cigars and other tobacco products?
Will they tell you that they Dems wanted to renew it so that it covers children up to the age of 25 and families of 4 up to the income level of $83,000 /yr? Can you explain to me why 'children' up to the age of 25 needed this bill? Are you going to tell me that $83, 000 income for a family of four is low-income?

What is wrong with privitizing social security? Better yet, why can't we have the option of opting out of SS altogether? Congress doesn't take part in the SS program, why should we? Why can't the military have a retirement program like they do?
This link goes to a blog I posted on June 13, 2007 and demonstrates how Americans can and have succeeded better by privitizing Social Security.
Who is going to remind us of Barack Hussein Obama's global poverty tax idea and how much that would cost?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Another view on politics.

I submitted this as an answer to a political blog. I am not sure if it will be posted soI wanted to post it here (and Myspace) as well. I don't believe that lying to the American public is unique to the Republican party. Most politicians are going to say what they feel is politically expedient for them at any given moment. How long did Hillary Clinton talk about the sniper fire? When finally caught in the lie her response was, "I misspoke."

What did John McCain say that was so wrong? Did he lie when he pointed out that Hamas favors Obama? No. Then why is it a smear campaign when McCain mentions the 'endorsement' but it is okay for David Axelrod to mention that the comment from hamas was flattering?

People are going to form an opinion about a candidate based upon their core beliefs and what they here on whatever they use as their news source. The traditional forms of media are decidely biased against Republicans and Conservatives. I am sure that if we looked deeply into each candidates past, we would find a lot of inforamtion that would prejudice the voters. It doesn't matter which side of the aisle they are on, most politicians are only in Washington for the power that is to be obtained there. I would dare say that better than 95% of them, if not an outright 100%, are more beholden to the special interst groups that kick in money to the cofers of the politicians then they are to the voters that elected them.

If certain groups are to be believed, then you cannot compare the military service of John Kerry to that of John McCain. The only similarity is that they were both in Viet Nam. I will thank both men for their service. The biggest political trap that we, as voters, can fall into, is the one I am trying to get out of. That trap is to blindly follow a certain political party or candidate and to think that they are 100% right (no pun intended) and the others are 100% wrong.

In order to make a truly worthwhile choice when voting, we need to examine each candidates voting record and see if they support the issues that are important to us and beneficial to the greatest number of Americans. But we must also be prepared to defend our chosen candidate when secondary issues arise. Because to some people, these secondary issues are as important as anything else because they can be used to define a person.

If, and I emphasize strongly 'if, it were proven that any candidate had ties to group that were considered enemies of the US, I would not vote for him or her. I would also not vote for any candidate that had ties to hate groups (Skinheads or Neo-Nazi's for example) if I felt that those groups were in a position to be an influence on a given candidate. Just knowing a person or receiving an endorsement doesn't make a person a bad candidate. Senator McCain can't be condemned for what Pastor Hagee has said and Senator Obama can't be condemned for what Hamas has said. But it does open these two gentlemen to closer scrutiny.

That is part of being a politician and public figure. Everything and anything from your past is subject to be scrutinized and then used for political expediency by your opponents. It can only hurt you if it is wrong and if it is true.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Lying Democrats that aren’t worthy to be President.

Do you need another example of why the two democrat candidates are not worthy to be President?

The first link goes to North Star Writer’s group. Along with the link to Neal’s Nuze, it explains how Hillary removed some documents from a file during the investigation of President Nixon. These papers were locked up in her office. Do you see a pattern with this woman? Then she had the audacity to ask for a letter of reference from the man that fired her, Jerry Zeifman, a Democrat.

The link for Neal’s Nuze also has a story about Barack Hussein Obama. He says that he doesn’t take money from oil companies. But here is the catch as Neal points out. Since 1907 it has been illegal to take contributions from corporations. But Barack Hussein Obama has been deceitful.
Obama has accepted more than $213,000 from individuals who work for companies in the oil and gas industry and their spouses.

Two of Obama’s bundlers are top executives at oil companies and are listed on his Web site as raising between $50,000 and $100,000 for the presidential hopeful.
Now I am not saying that the Republicans are much better. We don’t know what skeletons are in John McCain’s closet. I don’t trust him either. I just trust the Dems even less.
